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December 2015 Release

What is released in December 2015?

An outline of the material selected for the 3rd release of the Military Service (1916-1923) Pensions Collection is set out below. The files of 882 individuals are now being released. They represent 2,839 files relating to pensions or allowances applications, and dependants’ applications and a total of 113,481 scanned images.

Individual Applications – Pensions and Awards

The third release from the Military Service Pensions Collection includes the files of:

  • 106 women participants
  • Successful pension applications files relating to 89 Brigade and Battalion IRA Officers
  • Successful and unsuccessful applications lodged by the dependants of 392 War of Independence casualties
  • Successful and unsuccessful applications lodged by the dependants of 144 National Army (Civil War) casualties.
  • 110 other applications relating to other cases (some rank and file), including National Army members pursuing their army career in the Defence Forces as Officers.
  • This release also includes the files of 42 veterans of Easter Week with recognised service.

View the third release list here (Download PDF)

NOTE: Individual applications relate to applications for service pensions, claims for gratuities or awards made by dependants, claims by veterans for wounds suffered or disablement or deterioration in health due to service in the period 1916-1923 and such related matters. All applications are made and processed under relevant legislation enacted by the Oireachtas from 1923.

The researcher must be aware that one individual has more than 1 file. Some have up to seven files, generated under different aspects of the legislation as enacted from 1923 to 1973. To improve access, individual files thus created are consolidated under the relevant name.

Administration Files

The third release sees the inclusion of three Departmental files dealing with Erskine Childers’ arrest, his detention and administrative matters relating to his private property and protests, both national and international, following his execution.

See files: