The May 2022 release is the 12th release of records from the Military Service (1916-1923) Pensions Collection (MSPC). The files relate to claims lodged by 1,424 individuals/veterans or their dependants and contain new information on the War of Independence and the Civil War. They provide significant insights into post-conflict lives. The release contains approximately 3,450 new files and brings the total of fully digitised files relating to individual claims to 42,180 representing 14,739 individual entries on the MSPC online database.

Taking into account all MSPC file series, approximately 111,680 files have now been catalogued and made available for online viewing.

The only series available for viewing in the Military Archives reading room is the Medal (MD) series (online database available). All the other file series are only available online for viewing (description and scanned files).

Files released in May 2022 include:

- 1099 claims lodged by women applicants (1095 unsuccessful applications lodged under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1934).

- 32 successful service pension applications awarded under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1924 (National Army applicants).

- 294 applications under Army Pensions Acts (from 1923 onwards) for Special Allowances, wounds, disability and dependants.

Quick geographical breakdown:

- 74 individuals with an address in Northern Ireland, 44 with an address in England, 79 with an address in the USA, 3 in Scotland, 1 in Canada, 3 in Australia

- 206 in Cork, 88 in Dublin, 149 in Kerry, 94 in Tipperary, 80 in Mayo, 67 in Clare, 55 in Donegal, 15 in Offaly, 39 in Galway, 27 in Wexford, 27 in Leitrim.


For further highlights and individual cases, visit the MSPC blog: