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November 2023 Release

The November 2023 release is the 15th release of records from the Military Service (1916-1923) Pensions Collection (MSPC). The files relate to claims lodged by 863 individuals/veterans, or their dependents, and contain new information on the War of Independence and the Civil War. They provide significant insights into post-conflict lives. The release contains approximately 2,200 new files and brings the total of individual entries on the MSPC online database up to 18,229. This is the second release of material this year and brings the total number of pages digitised in 2023 to 200,000.

Taking into account all the MSPC file series, about 121,900 files have now been catalogued and approximately 80,200 are now fully digitised.

Files released in November 2023 include:

- 381 applications lodged by under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1934.

- 257 applications for service pensions under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1924 (National Army applicants).

- 10 claims for wounds lodged by women.

- 155 claims for dependency (74 of them lodged by mothers in respect of deceased sons).

- 1 successful application lodged by a 1916 veteran.

- 570 applicants were successful in their claim for both War of Independence and Civil War service.

Quick Geographical Breakdown:

- Among the 863 individuals whose files are being released, 79 show an address in Northern Ireland, 48 in USA, 38 in England, 2 in Australia. 270 claimants show addresses in County Dublin, 118 in Co Cork, 65 in Kerry, 36 in Donegal.


For further highlights and individual cases, visit the MSPC blog:
