October 2024 Release
The October 2024 release is the 17th release of records from the Military Service (1916-1923) Pensions Collection (MSPC). The files relate to claims lodged by 883 individuals/veterans or their dependents and contain new information on the War of Independence and the Civil War. They also provide significant insights into post-conflict lives. The release contains approximately 2,335 new files and brings the total individual entries on the MSPC online database to 20,077.
Files released in October 2024 include:
- 401 applications lodged by under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1934.
- 268 applications for service pensions under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1924.
- 211 applications lodged under the Army Pensions Acts (Special Allowances, wounds, disability) including 130 applicants by the dependants of deceased members.
Quick Geographical Breakdown:
Among the 833 individuals whose files are being released, 109 individuals had an address in Northern Ireland, 235 in Dublin and 122 in Cork.
91 individuals had an address in the USA, 41 England, 18 in Scotland, 7 in Canada, 4 in Australia.
For further highlights and individual cases, visit the MSPC blog: http://www.militarypensions.wordpress.com/
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