MAOHP_002_01.mp3: this mp3 audio file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Art Magennis:
My Ma came to me and she said, look, she said, you said you were going to Dublin tomorrow. And I said, yes, I'm going to Dublin tomorrow. Have you got money to go? And I said, no, but I want, I'd want enough money to get me down there. And they said I'd like to get Eamonn, my Uncle Eamonn to meet us at the station. The two of us. And she said, well, I've already arranged that he he'll meet the train on. And well, we did what we said we would do and we got into the train and we went to Belfast. We got enough money from our various uncles and aunts and parents, and then we went and we got out of the train and he was down at the, at the, at the, at the, at the exit from the, from the railway station there was my Uncle Eamonn. And over we went. And I remember him saying, saying to both of us, what, what are you coming to Dublin for? And both of us said we're going to join the army. Where are you going? To join the army. In Dublin. And and then he said, well, okay. He said, look, he said, I'm, I'm dying. I said, I'm, I'm a captain in the army. And he said, I'm going up to my appointment place. And army headquarters. And I'm not going to sit here now talking to the the two of you. I said, but I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll bring you up to a barracks. I'll bring you in, and I'll show you where you'll go to tell the boss man in there that that he'll talk to you about joining the army.
Art Magennis:
We went up to to Carl Brewer. Carl brewer. Hi, Carl. And he drove us up there. He drove us in through the gate, charging through the gate. Saluted him, and we were wondering what the name of God he was saluting about. But anyway, he he he he told the driver of the car to go up. Go up past that group of buildings there. The first group of buildings on the right hand side. And he said, turn right there and had stopped at the fourth, at the fourth, get, get. And he said no. He said, look, all you got to do is go in there, knock at that door when they ask you to, when they say what you want, tell them that you've come in to enlist in the army. And what what what part do you want to go in? And he said, well, we want to go in in an outfit that, that, that we heard was called the the second Horse Squadron. And we went in and we met a sergeant and said, and I said to him we want to go into the second horse Squadron to join the Army. And he said, well, you're talking about the wrong thing because he said the horse squadron was stopped 3 or 4 days ago, and it's now known as the second Murder Squadron. And he said, is that all right? It's the same. And he said, come on, I'll show you this. And we went in there and we were listed in the second Murder Squad.
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