MAOHP_008_10-Corporal-Seamus-McDermott-Siege-of-Jadotville-2.mp3: this mp3 audio file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Corporal Seamus McDermott:
Then we overtook the patrol that was coming near the edge of dark, and we as soon as we arrived, we didn't even get reporting back. Some of them came to us and said, listen, scatter, we've been timing this spray. He goes to Kolwezi. He takes about an hour and a half or two hours, whatever length they at the time, and he's due back. He went to reload and refuel, but they had him timed because he was coming. He was spent the day bombing them. So anyway, I don't know how long it was, but shortly afterwards, the boy arrived. Sergeant Bourne was laying on one slope of an ant hill, and I'd say we were all scattered over quite a few ant hills around in the jungle, and we were all scattered around. And the next thing, this bomb dropped on the other side of the ant hill the Sergeant Bourne was on. He was.
Obviously a big, big.
Corporal Seamus McDermott:
Huge thing, a huge thing. You'd need to see them to.
They are the size of a house sometimes.
Corporal Seamus McDermott:
Sometimes there are huge things. And three Gurkha Indians were killed with that bomb. So anyway, that was an experience in its own right.So..
But you we're close when this bomb landed. This. Yeah yeah.
Corporal Seamus McDermott:
Yeah yeah. We're all in that area, you know,
And you are working together.
Corporal Seamus McDermott:
Oh, yeah. We're all the gawkers, the whole lot. We're all there. It was all on our side of the bridge. And anyway, when that settled, like, we, I think there was a, there was there was a lorry and a bus, I think, knocked out in that particular one. We lost a couple of vehicles with, with the bombing during the day. But anyway they. We reported then that we had the roads all blown up and we said we were there whenever darkness came to do the night's job, which was to go up on the bridge. And one of the officers, it mightn't be necessary. We're just after getting word back from Elisabethville that Common Quinlan has.
Is in Jadotville.
Corporal Seamus McDermott:
Is in Jadotville has a agreed a ceasefire or a ceasefire has been arranged inside Jadotville. So we may not have to do this. So that was all right. A short time later, we were told, actually, there is a ceasefire in Jadotville and the people in Elisabethville are calling us back.
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