Easter 1916 An tÓglách Accounts (24 April 1916 - 29 April 1916)

In 1926 An tÓglách marked the 10-year anniversary of the Easter Rising with a series of articles about the events in 1916. The articles in this edition covered primarily Dublin, though the Rising took place in other areas. Later editions of the journal related events in other parts of the country.

To mark the 97th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising, the Military Archives published online editions of An tÓglách articles relating to Dublin and Kildare. Seventeen of these articles have been posted to the map. (The places marked on the map are just some of the many locations identified in the articles and do not represent the entirety of the activities of the unit, battalion, or organisation mentioned therein.)

Given the breadth of topics to cover, the post-1922 journals provide a broad and insightful look at the Defence Forces and are a valuable resource for local, military and family historians researching from the revolutionary period up to 1933 when the final issue of the magazine was published.