Architect: McCullough Mulvin, Photographer: Christian Richters
Military Archives

Reading Room

Conducting in-person research

The Military Archives reading room is a space designed for exploring our extensive records in person. You can browse online finding aids for 27 of our reading room collections and read general descriptions of their contents below; to view the original records, or ask our advice on other relevant collections, please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

If what you're looking for can't be found online, we can give you an appointment for our reading room. There you can view original Military Archive records at one of 16 individual researcher spaces. There's also a secondary research area with access to our library of military history books, manuals and digital resources.

The Commandant Peter Young Reading Room at the Military Archives can be found on the ground floor of the archives building, through the sliding door entrance at the gable end of the building.

When you arrive for your appointment and sign in with our Duty Archivist, you may be asked to provide ID, so make sure you have that to hand. You'll also need to fill in a researcher application form and take a look at our reading room rules. Please stow your bags and coats in our locker area before you enter the reading room. The lockers are free of charge, but they require a €1 coin to operate. If you do not have one, we have some coins available to loan if necessary.

Because of space limitations, an appointment for the reading room is required. Make an appointment by emailing us at
or by phoning us at 00353 (0)1 8046457.

The reading room is currently open from 10.00-12.30 and 13.30-16.00, Tuesday to Thursday.

If more than one person wishes to attend your appointment, you'll need to reserve extra seats or use the smaller room to the rear. Staff members are unable to facilitate researchers without prior notice, so anyone wishing to accompany you should book in separately to undertake their own research while visiting.

Our resources (for example, digital finding aids, sets of photographs, scanned documents) and limited internet access to certain newspaper and genealogical sites are available in the room behind the main reading room. A small research library is also available in this room, along with a large screen for the viewing of large maps and plans.

The use of cameras is by prior permission only, provided images are taken for one-time, personal study use only and a legal agreement form is signed.

Those with special needs should speak to the duty archivist when making their appointment to ensure we provide the best possible service.

Which files are you looking for?

From the Irish Civil War to Air Defence Command, the 27 example collections of original files accessible through our reading room hold a wealth of military history. Before you contact us to make an appointment, narrow down your search and learn more about the collections by browsing the brief descriptions below.